Oct 6 – 8, 2024
Lyndon B. Johnson Student Center
America/Chicago timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

General Instructions

  1. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the presenting author to present their work if the abstract is accepted.
  2. Students intending to participate in the paper/poster competition must select the appropriate track (Undergraduate Paper Competition/Undergraduate Poster Competition/Graduate Paper Competition/Graduate Poster Competition). Not selecting one of these will result in your abstract being placed in a regular session.
  3. Please note that you have to designate a speaker in addition to authors and co-authors. When submitting your abstract, please click on the icon that looks like a microphone to designate a speaker.

Participant Submissions

  1. Paper/Poster Presentations: Provide complete abstract. See details below.
  2. Student Paper/Poster Competition: Provide complete abstract. See details below.

Abstract Guidelines

  1. Word count for abstract text must be 250 or less.
  2. Authors submitting abstracts are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the abstract have been notified of the submission.
  3. Each abstract will be reviewed by the Program Review Committee, and a confirmation of acceptance will be sent by email.
  4. Copyright issues: speakers who use original work (pictures, charts, graphs, videos, etc.) in their presentation must cite the original source. If you are drawing heavily on another source, it is your responsibility to seek permission to use the material.

Student Competition Abstract Guidelines

In order to enter into the student competition (paper and poster), you must submit an extended abstract that conforms to the following additional requirements:

  1. Your extended abstract must be approximately 500 words in length, should provide more depth on the aim of the research project, its methodology, and a preview of the results to be presented. See this page for judging criteria.
  2. Should there be more than 10 entries per category for the competition, the extended abstract will be used by a panel of SWAAG/AGX judges to determine which entries will be included in this competition.
  3. Include in your abstract an acknowledgement that "My advisor has received this extended abstract and approves its submission for the student competition."; and list your advisor's name and email address.

Organized Panels, Roundtables, and Paper Sessions

To notify the conference organizers of your intent to create an organized session (including panels, roundtables, or organized paper sessions), please submit a ticket through our Helpdesk. This will ensure your proposal is properly processed and addressed by the organizing committee. Include the necessary information according to the session type:

  1. Organized Paper Session: Provide the session title, authors, and paper titles in your Helpdesk ticket request.
  2. Panel Discussion: Provide the panel title and list of panelists. Updates to the panelists must be made via your existing Helpdesk ticket request.
  3. Roundtable Discussion: Provide the roundtable discussion title as well as a brief description of the intended discussion focus in your Helpdesk ticket request.
  4. Workshop: Provide a brief description of the workshop and any specific requirements in your Helpdesk ticket request.
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.